
Showing posts from October, 2020

Different Financial Loans to Fit Your Family Needs

 A loan is basically an amount you borrow from a bank for a period of time. You pay back these loans over a fixed duration of time with a fixed rate of interest. Loans can be extremely useful. From buying a house or car to funding for higher education, there are loans that can help in almost all situations. Banks have introduced new policies to make the process of taking loans easy and better. Here are some loans that can be extremely beneficial in meeting the financial needs of a family in a convenient way. Student Loans: These  loans are useful to students, as well as parents who have difficulty in paying their children’s school or college fees. For example, a single mom may have problems paying for her twins’ college tuition. Although she may get benefits from the government like tax credits and child benefits, it may not be sufficient to pay the higher education fees for her children. The loans are given to meet the tuition fees, living expenses and cost of books. The interest rate

Services Offered by Invoice Finance

 Invoice financing is the act of selling invoices or trade debtors to factor instant cash. The discount varies from 5% to 10% of the invoice total or value. The factor makes money through collecting payments from clients. It is usually an outstanding way of financing a business venture without spending time chasing after normal bank loans and without any financial worries. Not all account receivables needs to be sold in business, you can select the ones that will benefit you the most. It is very important to mention at this particular juncture that a factor does not loan cash to your business, but instead they buy the outright value of the invoice at a discount to give instant working capital when needed. The factor to acquire an invoice service or work being rendered ought to have been delivered, completed and accepted, your client ought to be creditworthy. Factors do not require any extensive legal formalities or long term contractual obligations, furthermore even new ventures or bus

The Rising Cost of Living

 There is no doubt about it; the cost of living in the UK is constantly rising. Whether it is gas and electric bills going up by an unholy 25% a year, petrol prices soaring through the roof or supermarkets over inflating their prices, times are getting harder. While these companies sit back and argue their case for increased prices while posting record profits yearly the general population are having to dig deeper and be more financially aware than they have been in the last 30 years – an abrupt shock for some. Salaries and Quality of Living A study from the Mail (not the best source I know) has revealed that young adults have to earn twice the amount their parents did at their age in order to live a comparable lifestyle. According to them the average young adult earns approximately £21,000 per year, but they would require double that if they wanted to get onto the property ladder. The average age of a first time buyer is now 35, showing a 7 year rise over the last decade. This is due

What West, Texas Has Taught Us About Insurance

 One moment can change everything, as evidenced by the explosion of the fertilizer plant in West, Texas. To date, there are 14 confirmed fatalities and 200 injured from the blast. As many as 75 homes, an apartment complex, a middle school and a retirement center were also destroyed in the explosion. And West isn’t an isolated incident. Last year, 150 man-made disasters occurred in the United Sates, including fires and explosions, causing almost $6 billion in damages. Renters Beware Many renters don’t think they need insurance, assuming their property will be protected under their landlord’s insurance. However, most landlord insurance only covers the apartment or home structure and not personal belongings. Renter’s insurance costs about $15 a day. It is also a common misconception that renter’s insurance is unaffordable. Unfortunately, many West residents affected by the explosion were renters. If they did not carry renter’s insurance, it is unlikely they will be able to recoup their lo

Home Loan Eligibility Calculator

 When someone is thinking of getting a home loan, most of the time the person will need a home loan eligibility calculator to help him/her to calculate the amount of loan that he/she can afford. You can find a great number of choices, and you life will become much easier if you get get them in easy way. How to Pick the Right Home Loan Eligibility Calculator in Malaysia You can have various ways to get the right loan eligibility calculator in Malaysia. The thing that could be more critical for you is to think of your actual needs, and where is the best place for you to get some different options. You will find many different ways that a home loan eligibility calculator could readily to help you even on structuring your debt. The right home loan eligibility calculator will assist you to come up with right options on restructuring the debt that you have. Occasionally coming up with a home loan go extended in your life means that you can just search for different choices to restructure you

Request For Housing Loan Interest Rate Reduction From Your Bank

 If you have bought your house and is now paying for your housing loan instalments every month, you may now try to contact your bank to ask for housing loan interest rate reduction. If your outstanding amounts for your housing loans are less than RM100,000 for each loan and are not practical for you to refinance the loans, You may try to write to your bank to discuss with them of your matter. There are some people who wrote to Citibank and RHB bank asking for reduction of their housing loan interest rates some time ago and most of them do received replied from their respective bank. Below are the replied that received by some of the people and you may check out for you to have some clues when you want to contact to your bank for the reduction as well. Citibank A lot of people be given a reduction of their housing loan interest rate by 1.7% which is from BLR +0.5 change to become BLR -1.2 after reduction. Although the exclusive benefit associated with loyalty interest rate reduction hap

Public Bank Home Loan Packages For Completed And Uncompleted Properties

 Here is the conventional housing loan launched by Public Bank recently to fulfill for those homebuyers that in needs of home loan to buy their dream houses. Other than the 5 Home Loan plan, Public also having these Home Plan 10 and HomeSave packages that serve for consumers with alternative needs and requirements. Home Plan 10 Package A   Loan Amount Non Free Legal Below RM50,000 Whole Tenure BLR - 1.30% p.a. RM50,000 to below RM100,000 Whole Tenure BLR - 1.60% p.a. RM100,000 and Above Whole Tenure BLR - 2.20% p.a.   Package B   Loan Amount Non Free Legal First Year BLR - 2.55% p.a. Second to Fifth Year BLR - 1.60% p.a. Thereafter BLR - 1.80% p.a.   HomeSave Package Loan Amount Non Free Legal RM150,000 and Above Whole Tenure Up to BLR - 2.20% p.a. First Year BLR - 2.55% p.a. Second to Fifth Year BLR - 1.60% p.a. Thereafter BLR - 1.80% p.a.   Overdraft BLR - 0.75% p.a. Public Bank offers flexible and affordable Home Loan packages that provide value added benefits and greater cost savin

Apply For UOB iNTELLIGENT Home Loan

 UOB is a renown banking with their headquarter based in Singapore. UOB is actually stand for United Overseas Bank with it's Chinese name is called 大华银行. UOB (Malaysia) or United Overseas Bank (Malaysia) Bhd has charted growth throughout many years to make itself turn out to be one of the Malaysia leading foreign banks. Currently the bank has 45 branches nationwide and they are committed themselves to offering a variety of financial services which will put them in the right position to sustain for further growth. And recently once of the highly promoted of their financial service is the home loan package. There are many types of home loan packages that being offered by UOB and one of the famous one is the UOB iNTELLIGENT Home Loan which can be a home loan that is flexible enough to accommodate all your financial needs. Features of this UOB iNTELLIGENT Home Loan including:   - Greater control of your personal finances with 2 NEW repayment methods besides standard principal + interes

Delight Your Employees with an Attractive Work Place

 It has been discovered that people love to stay at home, if their homes are attractive enough to grab their attention. Similar is the case when it comes to office space, employees love to go to work if their office is clean, well lit, comfortable and attractive. When employees take pride in their work place they obviously feel happy to come to work every morning. This in turn means that their work productivity goes up and the business starts making greater profits. This is something all businessmen can motivate their employees to do with just one small step. The small step begins with making the workspace comfortable and attractive. Since employees are going to spend long hours at work, employers must know that they have to ensure a comfortable seating arrangement. Office chairs should always be in a good condition, soft and comfortable. In addition businessmen should make sure that the computers and telephones are functioning properly. This is very important as a computer that does n

AmBank Any Good?

 AmBank is so far the 5th largest banking institution in Malaysia in terms of capital. The bank is having over 200 branches and outlets after undergo consolidation for a few times. AmBank is currently offering consumers and companies with a variety of financial products and services which are of course including housing loans. For housing loan or home loan, AmBank does come with a range of products to cater for different consumers' needs. Resident Property Financing HomeLoan It is a mixture of term loan and overdraft. It is possible for you to lower the interest for your loan by making extra payments and the flexibility for redrawing is available. HomeLink HomeLink provides you with the facility for you to integrate your account into the bank system for easy monthly payment and monitoring. Besides, you are able to withdraw cash via any Ambank ATM or issue cheque with your cheque book. Family 1st HomePlan By getting this loan, you will have 5 years of fixed rate loan and you will no

Home Loan Available from ING Group

 In Malaysia, the ING Insurance Berhad is actually a part of the ING Group which happened to be an international financial institution from Dutch (Netherland). Globally ING Group is possessed of an overall workforce of more than 120,000. The financial institution is offers insurance, banking, as well as asset management and serves more than 60 million clients in over 50 countries worldwide. For the financial year ended at 2006, the ING Group is having investment assets under management that is estimated at EUR600 billion. Total assets for the institution are estimated at EUR1,227 billion and shareholders' equity equalling EUR38 billion. ING Insurance Malaysia offers all categories of insurance policies which range from general insurance, life insurance, employee benefits, home loans and many more. ING Insurance Malaysia gets the in-depth experience, sturdy financial situation, service centre network, and well-trained & professional agents and employees to provide customize and

How to Lower the Interest Rates of Your Home Loan?

 I would like to share with you of 5 points that you can consider to take in case you would like to lower the interest rate of your home loan. 1. Quantum Loan The amount of the loan which you receive from a bank or financial institution, which may make as much as 90% of the price of the home that your purchase. The lower the quantum loan you apply for, you will expect to get the lower interest rates. 2. Refinancing It is possible for you to refinance you house in order to obtain lower rates once again, especially after you have finish your lock-in period with the bank that you got the loan for which is going to expire in two months or has been expired. You may possible increase the amount of your home loan, which will allow you to save more money from paying an excessive amount for the house. In Malaysia, latest loan rates are generally lower than the inflation rates which indicate that getting more loans is in fact can benefit the consumer. In most occassions, loans tend to be the mos

It is Worth for Long Term Investment in MBSB

 MBSB (1171, Mainboard Finance Sector) is a non-bank financial companies. The main business of the company is to charge deposits and lending. Over the past two years, the company has been changing their business strategy by dabbling in personal loans for civil servants. The amortization period for these type of personal loans is generally between 15 to 20 years, with a fixed interest rate of 5-5.25%, the actual interest rate will be about 8-9% . These types of loans also attached with the Islamic insurance and will writing services that offered by MBSB. By offer such services, they will help to improve the company's fee-based businesses that will enjoy the growth together with the loans. In addition, the company also received contracts for offering financing loans for government projects, oil & gas companies, and also SMEs. All these are relatively short-term financing. From the deposits aspect, the major deposits of MBSB are from government agencies and government linked compa

Choosing a Home Loan

 You need to really do your homework before choosing a home loan. There are many options for you to decide on. Don’t get overwhelmed by them though as those options are really great opportunities. It isn’t realistic to think you can learn all the specifics of all the different loans out there like the experts. Yet it isn’t far fetched to think that you should be able to get the basics as a foundation. Fixed rate mortgages are something that you can consider. Many consumers like them because it is so easy to budget this cost into their ongoing finances. The cost of the loan is the same month after month without surprises. Unless you refinance the home, the price won’t change. However, if your taxes and insurance are figured into the loan amount then that could occur. What won’t change though is your mortgage interest rate. If you plan to stay in your home for longer than 5 years this is a great loan to consider. If you don’t plan to be in your home for more than a few years, you may ben

How to Protect Your Home without Breaking the Bank

 As the economy begins to rebuild, budget cuts in many police departments across the country are creating a spike in crime. In 2012, Palo Alto California saw a 63% jump in home burglaries. Detroit Michigan cut its police department's budget by $75 million for 2012-2013, resulting in a loss of nearly 380 employees. With fewer officers to serve and protect, what should homeowners do to remain safe while still keeping an eye on your budget? Joining the Neighborhood Watch When you need to keep your family safe, can you have too many eyes watching your home? Joining the local neighborhood watch group or spearheading the first group in your area is one of the easiest and most cost effective methods of keeping your family and friends safe. In 2009 Jerry Borbon of Miami, a member of the local neighborhood watch, called to police when he noticed a man breaking into a neighbor's home while they were away . Aside from the obvious, there are a lot of benefits to joining a neighborhood watc

Why You Should Know Your Australian Credit Laws

 Credit laws, which have undergone extensive changes over the last few years, culminated in the implementation of the National Consumer Credit Protection Act which was issued in 2009. The act also incorporates a National Credit Code which is regulated throughout the whole country and which is a substitute for the other rules and regulations. We saw credit card reforms come to a head in July last year as a range of legislation was implemented in order to make credit more consumer-friendly. And, it’s really important for anyone who wants to compare personal in order to be aware of how the system works. Even if you took your credit contract out a few years ago it is still subjected to the Consumer Credit Code which is effective on contracts taken out from 01 July 2010 and later. It also includes all kinds of personals loans, ranging from debt consolidation to domestic purchases and home improvement projects. It does not cover short term loans like staff loans, bill facilities, insurance

Don’t Buy A Playa Del Carmen House Before Reading This

 Buying a Playa del Carmen house is a dream comes true for many. And why not? Playa Del Carmen is as beautiful and scenic as it can get. While scouting for a home many buyers get carried away with a property and end up buying something which they regret later on. As an experienced real estate agent while I will wholeheartedly support your decision to invest in Playa del Carmen, I will at the same time urge caution and go slow to safeguard your investment. There are few tips which I always recommend to buyers which will enable you to make a right decision without getting influenced by various factors: 1)      Make multiple visits and at various times of a day: Many homes look very idyllic but at a particular time or days witness crowds and a flurry of activity. For example a school maybe located nearby. During your visit the neighborhood may look peaceful but during school timings there may a lot of traffic and crowd. Same thing goes for religious establishments, shopping centers or st

Why a Condo is Not a Good Investment

 Buying a condo might seem like a good idea if you’re on the edge of moving to your own home, especially from the financial angle, but there are some things you should take into consideration before doing so.  The thing that will initially induce you into error is the initial buying price, which is significantly lower compared to other options, but have you even wondered why that price is so low? Here are some facts to why a condo is not a good investment: 1) Administration Fees In an apartment building, a condo is just another brick in the wall, and that “wall” is not cheap to maintain. Besides the condos, the building also contains common areas, such as: • Hallways; • Elevators; • Laundry Rooms; • Swimming Pools or Exercise Rooms. An administration fee is paid by every condo owner for the regular maintenance of these common spaces. This fee is usually compared to a credit payment but what people fail to take into consideration is that, while a credit is totally paid out at some point

AIA Home Loan Packages

 Before going to apply for any loan from AIA, it is better for you to know a little background about the company. AIA Bhd. or American International Assurance Berhad is a member of the AIA Group, which happen to be the leading life insurance corporation in Asia having a distinctive history of serving clients throughout the one of vibrant areas in the world for 90 years. AIA Bhd. commenced businesses in Malaysia in 1948 and after over 60 years of existence in Malaysia's market, AIA is these days turn out to be among the biggest life insurance companies in the region. The company is now being backed up by 23 branches across the nation. AIA Bhd. is ardently supported by over 1,000 devoted staff as well as complemented by more than 10,000 insurance agents who attentively serve over 1.5 million customers. The company is very aggressive and keep releasing an extensive choice of life insurance coverage products via a multi-distribution system, the primary asset for the AIA is their substa

Coverage and Protection: Insurance for your Bike

Motorcycle insurance comes in many forms and prices. You want good coverage that is both affordable and suitable to your lifestyle needs. For example, if you only ride motorbikes as a hobby on the weekend, then your insurance should be different than a serious biker.  Someone who is only on the bike for a couple of hours a week should have different coverage than someone who uses a bike as their main form of transportation. This, among other important factors, should help you determine what kind of motorcycle insurance you take out. The following suggestions are the most important things that you need to consider. 1. Price One of the most important factors of a your insurance should be the price of your monthly premiums. You do not want to be paying more than you can afford. Of course, the more expensive the premium, then the more coverage you will be entitled to in your claim. However, you should only buy insurance that gives you exactly what you want. Do not go for a company that off

Know About Different Types of Home Loans in India for Women

Nowadays numerous people are availing home loans to construct their dream houses. They are the most convenient and the most attractive kind of loans which can be used for buying as house. Some loans come with a high rate of interest whereas there are other loans which are a little subsidized, especially for the fairer sex. Home loans come with a number of advantages such as tax breaks, and thus the demand for the same has been increasingly in demand nowadays. There are varieties of home loans that are offered by the banks and many financial institutions catering to the requirement of various individuals including women as well. Nowadays there are various options of home loans for single mothers as well who would like to avail a house and the best part is that if the women is working and has a good amount of salary beside her. There are various kinds of loans for women at a low interest rate. The interest rate is lesser for a woman because Women are the fairer sex They have been given a

Mortgage Loans From Costco

 Costco is no longer just a supermarket that you can get your groceries and daily necessities, but the company is now offering mortgage loans to consumers who are intending to apply for buying homes. After test run for one year, Costco is now offering a mature mortgage lending program on its website that is being partnership with First Choice Bank. First Choice Bank is a community bank based in New Jersey that opened it's first branch in Lawrenceville back in 2007. Other than First Choice Bank, Costco also establish a partnership with 10 other lenders as well. In the past year while Costco mortgage and loan program was on test run stage, they have managed to issue for over ten thousands of mortgages to consumers. Now the company is confident enough and plans to release the mortgage programs to the 66 million members that Costco has, the number is reported by the CNN Money. Costco Mortgage on the run Now if you go to Costco buying foods, you may observe a home loan brochure showing